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Do It Yourself Investor – Community

Posted by on 13. June 2014

You probably have caught on by now, the intent and purpose of this blog is to document the journey of investing – do it yourself style.

While the initial thought of that can be quite daunting and even scary, as with everything that one sets out to learn or dig a little bit deeper on, the first step is the hardest and scariest. With a little bit of determination and zest, and plain old curiosity, the elephant in the room starts to get smaller and smaller; at some point, you may even be able to move him out of the room and allow him to roam your house just like the dog and the cat already do.

What I really want to emphasis though, is the need (yes, the need) and commitment to keep at it. The only thing constant about investing is — constant change. Stick with it!

Rest assured, this does not mean you have to go it all alone, all the time. There are quite a few like minded communities out there, yet, there is some effort needed to find just those like minded communities. Find one that fits your needs and style and goals when it comes to investing. And: contribute, decide to be part of it, get active and share your thoughts!

Personally, I get a lot of good stuff out of this one. Good discussions, some controversial thoughts (we are talking investing after all) and also inspiring success stories!

DIY – Dividend Investors Club – Parsimony Investment Research


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